Psychologist curriculum vitae example

The professional figure of the psychologist is one of the most complex of all: it is in fact a profession that spans several areas, which can be more or less specialized but which in all cases is crucial in all those situations criticisms that require a professional approach. This is why we explain how to write a perfect psychologist CV and what are the essential elements to impress a recruiter.

The profession of psychologist is fundamental and branches out into different specializations: the work psychologist, the one for the family, the one for children, just to name a few. To become a psychologist it is necessary to follow special university courses and, to specialize, it is necessary to participate in training courses and masters, which will determine one’s field of work. It is precisely the workplace that makes the difference when it comes to writing a CV as a psychologist: highlighting one’s knowledge and skills is of absolute importance in this sector. While the areas in which psychologists practice vary, the qualities required to practice this profession are often similar: openness, listening and calm.

Personal and contact information

For a psychologist’s CV it is essential to enter all personal and contact information: name and surname but also date of birth, residence (not necessarily the address but at least the city), telephone number, email address, possession of a car and driving license and also information on professional qualification.

Course of study

The course of study is really essential for those who work as a psychologist and for this reason this section of the CV should be particularly treated.


  • March 2017-September 2017 Course in Assessment and management of work stress risk Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
  • February 2014 – February 2015 Master in Work Psychology and Human Resources Development Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan
  • September 2008 – September 2013 Degree in Psychology at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan

Professional experience

The professional experience gained is very important when looking for a job as a psychologist. In fact, it is one of those professions so specialized that once you have acquired the necessary training it is essential to take the field and put into practice what you have studied


February 2016 – Today Human Resources Manager at Cose Buone Rome

  • Personnel selection process management
  • Management of administrative and fiscal aspects related to Human Resources
  • Planning of activities related to personnel training and development
  • Employee performance evaluation
  • Template settings and procedures to define / improve roles and company organization
  • Improvement of human capital satisfaction
  • Management and development of the HR function in compliance with the corporate strategy

March 2015 – January 2016 Internship Resources Human Resources at Cose Buone Roma

  • Support for selection activities
  • Support organization of training activities for employees
  • Support for activities related to the project company climate analysis
  • Support in other personnel engagement activities

Foreign Languages ​​

Such a specialized and fundamental profession for many companies, public and private, requires that you know at least one language. This is why it is strongly recommended inserting in the CV an entry relating to the known languages, taking care not to lie about the actual knowledge.


  • Italian – Mother tongue
  • English – Mother tongue
  • French – Elementary


The skills that a psychologist must demonstrate are often very numerous and are crucial to the practice of the profession. For this reason, we recommend that you take the time to understand the ad you are applying for and put together a list of skills that you actually have and that are essential for the company you are applying for.


  • Psychological counseling (Counseling) – Expert
  • Diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders – Expert
  • Professional Transition Support – Expert


Knowing how to listen and observe is not enough: to be a psychologist you need other skills, which you develop by studying but which are also intrinsic. As with all other professions, don’t overdo it and limit yourself to a maximum of 5 skills to choose from based on the job posting you are applying for.


  • Observation skills
  • Positive attitude
  • Critical sense


A psychologist works very often through word of mouth and for this reason references are very important in this profession. But these are sensitive data that must be provided only on request, specifying it on the CV in order to avoid misunderstandings.

How to design a warehouse CV

The qualities of a psychologist are all reflected in the way he types his CV, so it is something you need to be extremely careful about. He always chooses a light design and a font that is not overly large but not overly small. Use bold only to highlight specific and important parts of your CV and do not overdo the colors, limiting yourself if possible to black and, only in specific cases, to red and blue. Remember that for public jobs you may be required to use the Europass format, which you must fill in carefully and rigorously.

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